Thursday, May 20, 2021

X-Men (1963) #25

Cover by Jack Kirby

Cover Date: October 1966
On-Sale Date: August 1966

Synopsis: The X-Men fight a treasure hunter called El Tigre, who is after two halves of a magical Mayan amulet.


Page 2, panel 1

The X-Men are returning Jean to college after their adventure with the Locust. That adventure happened on the weekend, so this is probably Monday morning.

Page 5, panel 5

El Tigre has been searching for the pyramid of the Mayan god Kukulcan for years.

Page 9, panel 2

Xavier mentions that he hasn't worn his mechanical leg braces in a few days. He was last seen using them at the end of last issue, which was at least two days before this scene.

Page 12, panels 3 to 6

This news report shows El Tigre and his servants causing trouble in a nightclub.  This scene happens between page 12.1 and 12.2 of this issue.

Page 13

This flashback, showing El Tigre using his pendant to avoid the police, happens between page 12.1 and 12.2 of this issue, after the previous flashback.

Page 20

This cliffhanger, with El Tigre claiming the power of the Mayan god Kukulcan, leads directly into next issue.


This issue takes place over several days, beginning only a day or two after last issue.

  • Day 1 (probably Monday):
    • Page 1 to 8.3: The X-Men save an orphanage and drop Jean back at college, El Tigre finds the Pyramid of Kukulcan and unearths half of a magic amulet.
  • A few days later:
    • Page 8.4 to 9.7: Cerebro senses the approach of El Tigre, and Xavier sends the X-Men to investigate.
    • El Tigre and his servants land at JFK airport and take a helicopter to the Pan-Am building; Xavier makes delicate adjustments to Cerebro; the X-Men check into a hotel under pseudonyms
    • Page 10 to 12.1: The X-Men scout for the "mutant", and barely miss El Tigre a few times
    • Page 12.5 flashback: El Tigre and his servants are photographed at a nightclub
    • El Tigre uses his pendant to make the nightclub patrons go crazy.
    • Page 12.4 flashback: The police question the nightclub owner in the wreckage.
    • The police find clues pointing to the hotel El Tigre is staying at.
    • Page 13.2 to 13.5 flashback: El Tigre uses his pendant to avoid the police. Professor X monitors with Cerebro.
    • Page 12.2 to 20: El Tigre's servants beat up the X-Men, while he steals the second half of the pendant and becomes Kukulcan.

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