Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Timeline - End of 1965

I've reached the end of the comics cover-dated 1965, so it's time to update the time-line.  It's a little awkward to do this in the middle of a story arc, but Silver Age comics are simple enough that I can split them up without making things too difficult. In the future I might find better points to do this at than the end of the year, but for now it's as good a time as any.

Here are the comics to be covered, and the chronological notes to consider:

  • Strange Tales (1951) #128 (1st story)
    • Daredevil has debuted, but is still in his yellow costume.
    • The X-Men just released official photos of the Brotherhood.
    • Takes place after Strange Tales (1951) #120 and Fantastic Four (1961) #28.
    • Takes place over a single day, probably between X-Men (1963) #8 and #9.
  • X-Men (1963) #9
    • Professor contacted Cyclops "last week" to tell him to bring the X-Men to Europe.
    • Lucifer caused Professor X to lose the use of his legs years ago.
    • After his initial confrontation with Xavier, Lucifer spent ten years constructing a bomb connected to his own heartbeat.
    • Takes place in a single day.
  • Fantastic Four (1961) #35
    • Takes place in a single day during the school year.
  • Fantastic Four (1961) #36
    • Takes place in a single day.
  • X-Men (1963) #10
    • There's a flashback showing Ka-Zar at an Antarctic base that happens the day before this story starts.
    • After that incident, Professor X was contacted by Washington, and determined that Ka-Zar was not a mutant.
    • The X-Men have been inactive for weeks.
    • Ka-Zar was attacked on the surface and fled into the Savage Land "many moons ago".
    • Takes place over a number of days: one day where the X-Men find out about Ka-Zar, some days of preparation, then a single day of adventuring in the Savage Land.
  • X-Men (1963) #11
    • Professor X finished working on his radar image beam shortly before this issue.
    • The Stranger spends his time travelling from planet to planet, collecting mutations. How long he's been doing this is unclear, but the implication is that it's been a very long time indeed.
    • Takes place in a single day.
  • Avengers (1963) #16
    • Quicksilver is apparently older than the Scarlet Witch (even though they are twins).
    • The flashback in this issue could be taking place during Journey Into Mystery (1952) #109.
    • The X-Men put out a public statement that Wanda and Pietro are no longer menaces to society, some time after X-Men (1963) #11.
    • Probably happens between X-Men (1963) #13 and #14.
    • Takes place over two days, with a days-long gap, then another day where the new Avengers are formed.
  • X-Men (1963) #12
    • Picks up shortly after issue #11.
    • Xavier's father died in an atomic accident at Alamagordo, New Mexico. Kurt Marko had the chance to save him, but didn't.
    • Using this issue as a guide rather than X-Men (1963) #1, Brian Xavier's death at Alamagordo happens in XY -23.
    • The flashback to Brian Xavier's funeral takes place when Charles is 9 (XY -23); he would have been born in XY -32 or -33.
    • Kurt Marko married Sharon Xavier months after the funeral, and moves into the Xavier mansion in XY -23.
    • Kurt was married previously, and had a son named Cain.
    • Cain is expelled from his school shortly before moving into the Xavier mansion.
    • The flashback with Cain moving into the mansion take place in XY -22.
    • Sharon Xavier and Kurt Marko both die in XY -22.
    • Not long after Kurt Marko's death, Charles realises that he is psychic. Somehow Kurt knew about this before he died.
    • The flashback with Charles happens when he is 13 (XY -19). He's already losing his hair.
    • The flashbacks with Charles excelling at sport and getting into a fight with Cain take place when Charles is 15 (XY -17).
    • Cain drives Charles to college after vacation. I have Charles as 16 here (XY -16).
    • I have the flashback where Cain becomes the Juggernaut happening in the first year of the Korean War (1951). In relation to this issue that would put it in XY -14, where Charles would be 18 years old.
    • Cain became the Juggernaut years ago.
    • Cyttorak is an evil deity who was driven from Earth, leaving behind the curse of the Juggernaut. His temple has been spoken of in legends for centuries.
    • Takes place over a single day, possibly the day after last issue.
  • X-Men (1963) #13
    • Continues from last issue
    • It took Juggernaut years to dig himself out from the temple rubble.
    • Professor X finished working on his mento-helmet shortly before issue #11.
    • Happens before FF Annual (1965) #3.
    • Takes place over two days.
  • Fantastic Four Annual (1965) #3
    • The X-Men have recovered from their injuries
    • Takes place after Avengers (1963) #16
    • Takes place over a single day (Reed and Sue's wedding day), between pages 3 and 4 of X-Men (1963) #14
  • X-Men (1963) #14
    • The X-Men recover from their injuries sustained in X-Men (1963) #13.
    • The X-Men haven't had a vacation in years, and have been "on the go" for months
    • Angel's wings sprouted when he was at military school. He kept them hidden under his uniform until he could leave.
    • Professor X had special glasses made for Cyclops.
    • It's been months since X-Men (1963) #7.
    • Takes place over two days.
  • X-Men (1963) #15
    • Professor X has been training the X-Men for years.
    • Beast's father worked at an atomic plant before Hank was born. He lost his job and moved the family to another city.
    • I've placed the flashback where Beast is bullied when he is 10 (XY -8)
    • Beast won a scholarship to an unspecified college.
    • The flashback to Beast winning the college football conference championship and being recruited by Xavier probably happens in December, either in XY -1 or -2.


XY stands for "X-Men Year", with XY 0 being the year in which X-Men (1963) #1 takes place. Positive numbers (such as XY 4) denote years after that point, and negative numbers (such as XY -4) denote years before.

  • The evil deity Cyttorak is driven from Earth. He leaves behind the curse of the Juggernaut in his temple, which will be spoken of in legend for centuries to come.

XY -32 or -33
  • Charles Xavier is born.

  • Kurt Marko is married, and has a son named Cain. It's not revealed what happened to his first wife.

XY -23
  • Professor X's parents work on the first A-bomb project. This will become topical over time, but it's still useful as a guide to when they were alive. I've placed this assuming that they worked on the Manhattan Project.
  • Brian Xavier dies in an atomic explosion at Alamagordo, New Mexico. Kurt Marko might have saved him, but chose not to.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Charles attends his father's funeral, where his mother Sharon is comforted by Kurt Marko.
  • Months after the funeral, Kurt Marko marries Sharon Xavier.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Kurt Marko moves into the Xavier mansion.

XY -22
  • Cain Marko is expelled from school.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Kurt's marriage to Sharon Xavier has soured. Cain Marko moves into the Xavier mansion, and starts bullying Charles immediately.
  • Sharon Xavier dies.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: After an argument with Cain, Kurt Marko dies in a lab accident. He saves Cain and Charles before he dies, and tells Charles that he knows about his special power.
  • Charles realises that he can read minds.

XY -19
  • Charles Xavier starts losing his hair in his early teens.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Charles Xavier uses his telepathy to read his teacher's mind.

XY -20 to -17
  • Beast's father works at an atomic plant, and absorbs enough radiation to make his son a mutant.
  • Angel, Cyclops and Beast are born during this span of time, with Beast being the oldest. Marvel Girl's age is a bit more ambiguous, but probably falls around the same time period.
  • Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are possibly born around this time, although their ages are vague. Quicksilver is older than the Scarlet Witch.

XY -17
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Charles Xavier excels at sport. Cain gets mad about it, and Charles has to knock him out to defend himself.

XY -16 or -17
  • Iceman is born. The year depends on whether his 16th birthday was in XY 0 or -1

XY -16
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Cain drives Charles to college after vacation, and the two of them almost die in a car crash.

XY -14
  • Cain Marko and Charles Xavier serve together in Korea.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12 flashback: Cain deserts under fire, and finds an ancient temple where he is transformed into the Juggernaut. He is buried underneath tons of rubble.

XY -10
  • Professor X has a confrontation with Lucifer that costs him the use of his legs.
  • After his defeat, Lucifer begins building a world-destroying bomb that's connected to his own heartbeat.

XY -8
  • Beast's father loses his job, and moves the family to another city (probably somewhere in the New York area).
  • X-MEN (1963) #15 flashback: Hank McCoy is bullied, and discovers that he has unnatural agility.

  • Professor X makes preparations to open his school. This includes the creation of many machines, vehicles and training devices in his mansion, as well as making contact with the FBI. His liaison with the FBI is Fred Duncan.
  • Magneto begins making his plans for conquest. This involves the establishment of many secret bases, including Asteroid M and an island in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Blob discovers that he is extra-strong and resilient. Thinking he's just a freak, he joins the carnival.
  • Unus becomes a wrestler.
  • Ka-Zar is attacked on the surface and flees to the Savage Land. (This probably happens many years before XY 0, but it's too vague to place right now.)
  • Angel's wings sprout while he's at military school, and he keeps them hidden under his uniform. He has to leave school before taking a physical exam.
  • The Fantastic Four get their powers (in Fantastic Four (1961) #1).
  • Bruce Banner becomes the Hulk (in Incredible Hulk (1962) #1).
  • Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man (in Amazing Fantasy #15).
  • Donald Blake becomes Thor. (in Journey Into Mystery (1952) #83).
  • Henry Pym becomes Ant-Man (in Tales to Astonish (1959) #35).
  • Tony Stark becomes Iron Man (in Tales of Suspense (1959) #39).
  • Janet Van Dyne becomes the Wasp, and joins Ant-Man on his adventures (in Tales to Astonish (1959) #44).
  • Doctor Strange becomes active in New York (in Strange Tales #110).

XY -2
  • Hank McCoy wins a college scholarship.
  • Cyclops, Iceman and Angel are recruited by Professor X to join the X-Men.
  • X-MEN (1963) #15 flashback: Hank helps his team win the conference championship, and his football prowess gets the attention of Professor X, who recruits him into the X-Men as the Beast. This probably happens in December.
  • Professor X designs a harness the Angel can use to hide his wings, and special glasses for Cyclops.

XY -1
  • The X-Men begin their Danger Room training in March.
  • Conjecture: Unus wins the WWWF Championship on May 17th.

XY 0, January
  • The Avengers are formed (in Avengers (1963) #1).
  • Jean Grey gets a message from Professor X to enroll at his school. Her parents are hesitant until they are contacted by the US government.
  • X-MEN (1963) #1: Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) joins the X-Men, and they go to fight Magneto at Cape Citadel. Takes place over two days in January.
  • X-MEN (1963) #4 flashback: Magneto rescues the Scarlet Witch from an angry mob, and she and Quicksilver join him to repay their debt.
    • Presumably Magneto recruits Mastermind and the Toad around the same time.
  • Ant-Man becomes Giant-Man (in Tales to Astonish (1959) #49).
  • X-MEN (1963) #2 flashback: The Vanisher robs a bank. Happens on the same day that X-Men (1963) #2 begins.
  • X-MEN (1963) #2: The X-Men face the Vanisher. Takes place over four days in late January.

XY 0, February
  • TALES OF SUSPENSE (1959) #49 (1st story): Angel temporarily goes bad, and fights Iron Man. Takes place over one day in early February.
  • AVENGERS (1963) #3: Iron Man tries to recruit the X-Men to help the Avengers search for the Hulk. Takes place over one day in mid-February.
  • X-MEN (1963) #3: The X-Men battle the Blob. Happens over two days in late February.
  • The Avengers find Captain America in a block of ice, and thaw him out (in Avengers (1963) #4)

XY 0, March
  • X-MEN (1963) #4, page 1 to 11: The X-Men celebrate the one-year-anniversary of the beginning of their training. Magneto conquers Santo Marco. Happens over a period of three days in early March.
  • Weeks pass, in which Magneto consolidates his rule over Santo Marco.
  • X-MEN (1963) #4, page 12 to 23: The X-Men drive Magneto and the Brotherhood out of Santo Marco. Takes place over one day in mid March.
  • Weeks pass while the X-Men try to get the injured Professor X from Santo Marco to Westchester. The Brotherhood are searching for them the whole time.
  • Daredevil makes his debut (in Daredevil (1964) #1).
  • X-MEN (1963) #5: The X-Men fight the Brotherhood on Asteroid M. Takes place over two days in late March. (This is just outside of the April to October timespan I mentioned above, but the months-long gap between Strange Tales (1951) #120 and Fantastic Four (1961) #28 means I had to push it back slightly. Maybe Jean's parents are planning to stay in New York for a week or two.)
  • STRANGE TALES (1951) #120 (1st story): Iceman and the Human Torch stop Captain Barracuda from robbing a boat. Takes place the day after X-Men (1963) #5, in late March.

XY 0, April
  • Mad Thinker begins studying the X-Men, and trying to discover the identity of Professor X. (My conjecture is that he does this using footage and photos of the battle with the Vanisher from X-Men (1963) #2.)

XY 0, May
  • JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY (1952) #109 (1st story): Magneto fights Thor in a sub in the New York harbor, while the X-Men fight the Brotherhood in Manhattan. Happens over one day in early May.
    • AVENGERS (1963) #16 flashback: The X-Men chase Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch through New York. This doesn't match any of the X-Men/Brotherhood battles we've seen, so I'm placing it as part of the off-page battle in Journey Into Mystery (1952) #109.
  • FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #28: The Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master manipulate the X-Men into attacking the Fantastic Four. Happens the day after Journey Into Mystery (1952) #109, in early May. (There's meant to be a several month gap between this and Strange Tales (1951) #120, but I've had to shorten it to two months, from March to May.)
  • X-MEN (1963) #6 flashback: A freighter gets too close to Magneto's island, so he hurls it away with his giant magnet. This happens in early May, some days before the main story.
  • X-MEN (1963) #6: Magneto recruits the Sub-Mariner, and the X-Men fight them on his Atlantic island. Takes place over two days in early-mid May.
  • AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (1964) #1: The X-Men ignore a message in the sky from the Human Torch to Spider-Man, and continue training. Takes place over one day in mid-May.
  • X-MEN (1963) #7: The X-Men graduate prep school. Professor X leaves, and makes Cyclops team leader. Magneto recruits the Blob, and they fight the X-Men. Takes place over two days in late May.
  • X-MEN (1963) #8, page 1 to 7.3: Iceman and Beast are chased by an angry mob. Beast quits the team. This takes place over one day in late May.

XY 0, June
  • One week later, Beast debuts as a wrestler. He very quickly becomes a top-draw heel in the WWWF. It's implausibly quick, to be honest, but there's a reference in a later issue of X-Men that makes me want to place this story in June.
  • X-MEN (1963) #8, page 7.4 to 20: After wrestling Unus, Beast helps the X-Men defeat him. This happens on June 6th, because it has to be on the same day as a WWWF show at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

XY 0, July
  • Conjecture: Due to his criminal activities, Unus is pressured by the WWWF into dropping the championship. This happens on July 11th.
  • The X-Men release the first official photos of Magneto and his Brotherhood to the media. (My conjecture is that they do this as a reaction to the anti-mutant mob that chased Beast and Iceman.)
  • STRANGE TALES (1951) #128 (1st story): Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch try to get help from the Fantastic Four. Takes place over one day in July.

XY 0, August
  • Professor X contacts Cyclops and tells him to bring the X-Men to Europe. The X-Men take about a week to get organised.
  • X-MEN (1963) #9: The X-Men delay the Avengers in Europe while Xavier confronts Lucifer. Takes place over one day in August.

XY 0, September
  • FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #35: Xavier and Cyclops investigate some potential mutants at State University, and bump into Reed Richards. Takes place over one day in September.
  • FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #36: The X-Men attend the engagement party of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, along with many other heroes. Takes place over one day in September.

XY 0, October
  • X-MEN (1963) #10 flashback: Ka-Zar causes a ruckus at an Antarctic base.
  • Washington contacts Professor X about Ka-Zar, and the professor determines that he is not a mutant.
  • X-MEN (1963) #10: The X-Men have an adventure in the Savage Land with Ka-Zar and Zabu. Happens over a number of days in October.

XY 0, November
  • Professor X finishes working on a radar image beam attachment for Cerebro, and builds the components for a mento-intensifier helmet.
  • Juggernaut finally digs himself out of the rubble in Korea, and begins making his way to America.
  • X-MEN (1963) #11: The Brotherhood tries to recruit the Stranger, who turns Mastermind to stone and takes Magneto and the Toad back to his home planet. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch decide to return home to Europe. Takes place over a single day in November.
  • X-MEN (1963) #12-13: Juggernaut attacks the mansion, and is defeated by the X-Men and the Human Torch. Takes place over one day, starting just hours after last issue.
  • X-MEN (1963) #13, page 20.5 to 20.6: The male X-Men begin recuperating from their injuries under the care of Marvel Girl.
  • The X-Men put out an official statement that Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are no longer to be considered as menaces to society.

XY 0, December
  • AVENGERS (1963) #16, page 6.3 to 8.6: Iron Man, Giant-Man and the Wasp decide to quit the Avengers. Hawkeye is accepted as a new member.
  • AVENGERS (1963) #16, page 9.5 to 10.5: The next day, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch learn that the Avengers are seeking new members. They decide to try out.
  • AVENGERS (1963) #16, page 13.4 to 20: Quicksilver and the Scarlet arrive in New York and are accepted as part of the new Avengers team, along with Hawkeye and Captain America.

XY 1
  • X-MEN (1963) #14, page 1 to 3: The X-Men recover from their injuries, and Bolivar Trask holds a press conference warning of the dangers of mutants.
  • FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL (1965) #3: The X-Men attend the wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, helping to fight off a horde of villains. Takes place in a single day, probably the same day as X-Men (1963) #14.
  • X-MEN (1963) #14, page 4 to 20: The next night, Professor X organises a debate against Bolivar Trask. The Sentinels are unveiled, and immediately decide to take over the world. The X-Men find the Sentinel HQ.
  • X-MEN (1963) #15: On the same day, the X-Men attack Sentinel HQ and are all captured.

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