Sunday, May 2, 2021

X-Men (1963) #13

Cover by Jack Kirby

Cover Date: September 1965
On-Sale Date: July 1965

Synopsis: The X-Men, with the aid of the Human Torch, manage to get Juggernaut's helmet off so that Professor X can disable him with his mental powers.


This issue follows directly from last issue's cliffhanger.

Page 2, panel 1

This is the first meeting between the Juggernaut and the X-Men.  Obviously it's not the first time that he and Xavier have met, but it is their first confrontation since Cain was buried under the rubble in Korea.

Page 2, panel 2

Juggernaut claims that it took him years to dig his way out from under the rubble in Korea.  I currently have it at around 14 years, although that could be reduced to 13 or 12 depending on when during the Korean War it happened.  It's not explicitly stated, but it seems pretty likely that getting revenge on Xavier is the Juggernaut's first act since digging his way free.

Page 4, panels 1 to 3

Professor X's mento-helmet is new.  Presumably he started working on it some time between X-Men (1963) #9 and #11.

Page 9, panels 4 and 5

This story takes place before Reed and Sue's wedding in Fantastic Four Annual (1965) #3 (not #4 as the footnote would have you believe).

After Johnny helps the X-Men defeat the Juggernaut, he is duly mind-wiped by Professor X. We're still in the era where Xavier is super-protective of the location of their headquarters.

Page 20, panel 5

Cyclops, Beast, Iceman and Angel are injured during this story, and won't be back to full fighting strength until X-Men (1963) #14.  In the interim they show up in Fantastic Four Annual (1965) #3, where they help fight off a horde of villains, but they shouldn't be appearing in fight scenes in too many other stories during that time.  Presumably the FF Annual happens pretty shortly before issue #14.


This story follows directly from last issue.

  • Day 1 (same day as last issue):
    • Page 1 to 20.4: The X-Men and Human Torch defeat the Juggernaut.
  • Day 2:
    • Page 20.5 to 20.6: The male X-Men recover while Jean plays nursemaid.

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