Sunday, May 16, 2021

X-Men (1963) #21

Cover by Werner Roth

Cover Date: June 1966
On-Sale Date: March 1966

Synopsis: The X-Men stop Lucifer from using the computer Dominus to enslave humanity, and Lucifer is banished to a nameless dimension by his alien masters.


Page 6, panel 5

The narration here says that the X-Men are all teenagers.  Over a year has passed since X-Men (1963) #1, which would make Iceman 17. The ages of the rest haven't been nailed down yet, but Beast would be 18 or19, and the others in between him and Iceman.

Page 11, panel 6

This flashback claims that Dominus and its robot attendants were created by Lucifer's race "eons" ago.  An eon is supposed to be equal to a billion years, but it's also often used to denote a really long but indeterminate stretch of time.

Page 12

Lucifer claims that his people started conquering other planets "when the Earth was still a mass of floating gases". The formation of the Earth is dated to 4.6 billion years ago, so this flashback probably occurred before then.

The third panel shows Lucifer lording it over their last conquest, a planet orbiting the star Sirius.  If this is Lucifer and not just another alien wearing his clothes, this flashback happens before XY -10.

Xavier claims in panel 5 that Lucifer's plan for conquest began a decade ago.  I have this issue in XY 1, and their initial conquest in XY -10, which is close enough.

Page 20, panel 1

Lucifer claims that he has been conquering worlds for countless years. Just how old is this guy?  Honestly, you think he'd be better at it.


The entirety of this issue takes place in a single day, the day after the end of last issue.

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