Tuesday, May 18, 2021

X-Men (1963) #23

Cover by Werner Roth

Cover Date: August 1966
On-Sale Date: June 1966

Synopsis: The X-Men stop Nefaria and his goons from holding the city of Washington for ransom. Marvel Girl's parents decide to send her to a different school.


Page 1

This issue continues directly from last issue's cliffhanger, with the X-Men held captive by Count Nefaria.

Page 2, panel 4

This panel gives us our first ever concrete reference to a month or season, as the man in the hat asserts that it can't be snowing in June.  This fits my timeline perfectly: I have X-Men (1963) #8 in June of XY 0.  Issue #20 takes place over a year after that. If I say that it's just over a year then it's in June of XY 1.  That places this story at most a few weeks later, in late June.

Page 8, panel 4

Nefaria says that he has been planning for months. This means that there should be a months-long gap between his last appearance in Tales of Suspense (1959) #68 and this issue. That story was published between X-Men (1963) #12 and #13 (currently in late XY 0), so that shouldn't be a problem.

Page 19, panels 5 and 6

In this story Professor X unveils his new mechanical leg braces, which allow him to walk.  He says he's been working on them for months, which means be probably started building them between X-Men (1963) #13 and #14.

Page 20, panels 6 and 7

Marvel Girl gets a letter from her parents, telling her that they've decided to send her to a different school. Xavier says that the letter arrived in the morning, which would be during the last three pages of last issue, or the first few pages of this issue.  This cliffhanger leads into the next issue, which picks up a day later.


This story takes place over a single day, the same day as the end of last issue.

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