Monday, June 14, 2021

X-Men (1963) #36

Cover by Ross Andru

Cover Date: September 1967
On-Sale Date: July 1967

Synopsis: The X-Men stop Mekano from destroying a library, and Mekano's dad rewards them with plane fare to Europe so they can finally get around to rescuing Professor X.


Page 4, panel 5

Angel's parents just left on a cruise in the Caribbean, probably in the short gap between X-Men (1963) #34 and #35.  They're going in the middle of Winter, but from what I can gather the climate there is very pleasant around that time of year, and getting away from New York would make sense.

Page 5, panel 1

These two burglars, who made an ill-fated attempt to rob the Xavier mansion at the start of the issue, knocked over a couple of warehouse in Jersey in 1965.  This would be two years before publication date, putting it in XY 0.  (Look, I'm struggling for things to write about with this issue.)

Page 19, panel 4

Mekano, aka Tom Regal, stole his exo-skeleton from a university research center.  He does so off-panel during the course of this issue. I have it placed between page 5 and 6.

Tom sees the error of his ways and never returns to villainy again, making him the rare Silver Age villain who was so crap that he never made a return appearance.


This story takes place over two days, starting the day after last issue.  (The opening scenes are at night, but I've said they're after midnight for the sake of convenience.

  • Day 1:
    • Page 1 to 20.1: The X-Men stop some burglars, try to raise money, fight Mekano, and are rewarded by Mekano's dad.
  • Day 2:
    • Page 20.2 to 20.3: The X-Men board their plane to Europe.  This could take place more than a day after the rest of the issue, but I'd assume the team want to get to Europe as quickly as possible.

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