Friday, June 25, 2021

Avengers (1963) #49

Cover by John Buscema

Cover Date: February 1968
On-Sale Date: December 1967

Synopsis: Magneto appears in front of the UN to demand that mutants are given their own nation.  The Avengers attack, and in the ensuing battle the Scarlet Witch is injured by humans.  Magneto escapes, and Quicksilver joins him willingly.  (Also Hercules does some stuff in Olympus that's not important.)


Page 6

Magneto talks about having raised this island from the ocean depths in the days before he attacked the X-Men.  I assume this means that he did it before X-Men (1963) #1, although he didn't so much attack the X-Men in that issue as defend himself from their attack.  He also confirms that he gathered his Brotherhood after his first battle with the X-Men (so between #1 and #4).

The Marvel Database seems to think that this is the same island that Magneto used as a base in X-Men (1963) #6, and will use again in #147-150.  I'm not sure that either is true.  The dialogue here implies that Magneto is showing Wanda and Pietro this island for the first time, which would not be true if it was the island from #6.  As for the island from #147-150, that one was covered in weird, Lovecraftian architecture, and there's no sign of that here.  I guess Magneto just really likes raising islands from the bottom of the ocean.

Page 7

Magneto has a perpetual motion machine under his island, that he says he set in motion over two years ago.  I estimate that this story takes place around September of XY 2, nearly three years after Magneto's first appearance in X-Men (1963) #1.  If he set it in motion just before that story, that's between 2 and 3 years ago, and fits it happening "over two years ago" perfectly.

Page 9, panel 2

Magneto's appearance in front of the UN is probably his third major act on the world stage.  Those acts would be his takeover of Cape Citadel missile base (X-Men (1963) #1), his takeover and weeks-long rule over Santo Marco (X-Men (1963) #4), and this.  His other appearances have been on a much smaller scale, mostly personal scuffles outside of the public eye with the X-Men (and once with Thor).

This story will pick up again in X-Men (1963) #43, and culminate in the first true X-Men/Avengers crossover in Avengers (1963) #53 and X-Men (1963) #45.


This story takes place over one day, the day after last issue.  (There's no specific mention of a day passing, but Avengers (1963) #48 was set in the evening, and this issue has a UN Assembly happening during the day.)


  1. Replies
    1. Arrgh. Thanks for pointing that out. I knock these posts out very quickly, so mistakes are inevitable I'm afraid.
