Thursday, June 24, 2021

Avengers (1963) #48

Cover by George Tuska

Cover Date: January 1968
On-Sale Date: November 1967

Synopsis: The Black Knight escapes from Magneto and goes to the Avengers for help, but by the time they return Magneto has already escaped with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.


Page 11

This flashback, depicting the death of the villainous Black Knight, follows directly on from his battle with Iron Man in Tales of Suspense (1959) #73.  Dane hadn't heard from his uncle for years before being summoned to his deathbed.  None of this is particularly relevant to X-Men history, but you never know when it might come up; just now I remembered that Dane Whitman does have a connection to the origin of Exodus, so I guess his backstory should go in the timeline.

Page 12

A few days after his uncle's death, Dane vowed to use his inventions to do good.  He then spent months creating his own winged stallion, and designing an improved suit of armour.

Page 13, panel 2

Dane makes mention here of the original Black Knight, whose adventures were originally published in Black Knight (1955) #1-5.  Legends state that he stood between King Arthur and his evil nephew Modred.  Presumably this all happened in the 6th century AD, alongside the surprisingly large amount of other Arthurian stuff I have in the timeline.

Page 1

In storyline developments more important to the X-Men, Magneto spends most of the issue beating on Quicksilver and trying to convince the twins to rejoin his cause.  When Quicksilver contacts the Avengers, Magneto decides to split, taking his captives with him.

Page 14, panel 3

Magneto's only been back on Earth for a few hours, which encompasses the entirety of the last two issues.  While not beating on Quicksilver or berating the Toad, he's spent that time constructing a supersonic cruiser with his magnetic powers.


This issue takes place over a single day, the same day as last issue.

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